The health of livestock, farmers, and the economy are inextricably linked in our society today. Ticks are the leading cause of livestock mortality in Uganda. However, vaccination provides an effective and safe remedy and protection of cattle against ticks, ensuring sufficient production of meat and milk not just for farmers but the general population too. This in turn increases food security for society, and household income for livestock farmers, creating a multiplier effect derived from a healthy and economically productive population that impacts the economy positively.
So, our vision at Ticvac-U is pretty simple - A tick-free herd.
It's a big vision. But by protecting the health of our livestock in Uganda, we protect our health and future.

Our vision
Working together with the Government of Uganda, Makerere University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security (COVAB), National Drug Authority (NDA) and other stakeholders, our vision is to eradicate the problems of ticks in Uganda first, then globally, working towards a tick free world..
Our mission
Our mission is to contribute to the control of ticks and tick-borne diseases by offering innovative alternative immunological control, research, manufacture and distribution of critical veterinary vaccines that will make a positive difference to Uganda’s livestock, the people that depend on them and the country’s economy.